How to post a job in Teamtailor and what you should consider when creating a job ad

The world of recruitment is ever-evolving, and a well-crafted job ad can go a long way in attracting top talent. However, there are several key things you should consider when creating a job ad. At Teamtailor, we make posting a job that grabs the attention of candidates easy.

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Scott van Dort

As Senior Copywriter at Teamtailor, my goal is to communicate, inform, educate, and inspire existing and potential users about our incredible, all-in-one recruitment solution.

As a recruiter, job ads are your first chance to make a good first impression on potential candidates and to sell the role to the right candidate group.

Today, almost every leading organization uses recruitment software such as applicant tracking systems to create job ads. These systems enable hiring teams to post jobs on multiple job boards and social media platforms with just a click. Templates are also available in most ATS' to simplify and streamline the process of creating job ads and help you make them attractive.

If you're a Teamtailor user, creating a job couldn't be easier. In this video, Jonathan walks you through the process of creating a job ad:

Whether you're a Teamtailor user today or currently considering your options, we highlight seven things you should consider when creating job ads:

It begins with the all-important job title

It goes without saying but a job title is the first thing that is going to grab people’s attention and come up in searches. 

Create a job title that accurately describes the job and sparks interest. Consider using keywords that potential candidates will search for instead of generic job titles. That being said, clarity is vital. So, make sure the title represents the role and is not confusing or misleading.

Be clear and concise with your job summary

Provide a brief overview of the position and emphasize its importance within the company. Focus on key responsibilities and objectives, and keep it concise. 

With more employees seeking flexible working models, it’s important today to include whether the position is remote, hybrid-remote, or 100% onsite. 

If you need help writing a job ad, Teamtailor’s generative AI assistant Co-pilot can assist you by providing a job description and suggesting relevant skills and traits unique to the role in just seconds. 

List responsibilities and qualifications

Give candidates clear explanations of the day-to-day responsibilities of the role and the skills and qualifications required. This helps set realistic expectations for candidates and filters out those who may not meet the basic requirements. 

In addition to any technical skills required, include soft skills and traits that are important for the role. The most common soft skills listed in job ads are teamwork skills and problem-solving.

Make your ad look great 😍

Did you know applications increase by up to 34% when job ads include images or video testimonials? Making a job ad that not only reads well but also looks great can make a big difference. It allows you to showcase your employer brand and stand out.

As mentioned earlier in this post, many recruitment software platforms, such as an applicant tracking system, offer job ad templates, which can be customized. In many cases, users can choose the layout style, use images, and include videos to customize the post.

Consider adding a ‘pitch’ early in the job ad where you explain to candidates why they should apply for the job as well as the benefits of working for your company. 

Make it easy to connect 🤝

There may be people who visit your career site who are interested in working for your company but don't currently see any suitable positions. Adding a Connect button to your career site or job ads allows potential candidates to connect with your company and express an interest in specific departments. These individuals can then be added to your talent pool and receive notifications about new job openings.

In addition, recruiters can add questions for candidates to answer when they connect with a department or role. This allows recruiters to learn more about the candidate and what makes them stand out.

For more information, see this support article about Teamtailor's Connect feature.

Chat with candidates 💬

Never miss out on a potential candidate again! Adding a candidate chat widget to your job ads is a must and an easy way to start communicating with potential candidates. The candidate chat widget appears as a small circle widget at the bottom of every page on your career site. To increase the chat's visibility and response rate, you can also display a pop-up message.

Whenever a visitor sends an inquiry, you'll receive a notification via email. There are two notification types:

  • When a candidate writes in the chat on your career site, all admins will be notified.
  • When a candidate writes in the chat for a specific job ad, the sender of the message and the hiring team will be notified. 

For more information, see this support article about Teamtailor's chat widget.

Make applications easy

Recent findings show that an increasing number of job seekers consider mobile devices a necessary part of job searching, with up to 89% considering them essential. 

Today, it's essential that employers focus on the candidate experience. This means making sure the application process is simple. Candidates should be able to apply for a job without having to create an account or log-in to any platform. Furthermore, candidates should be able to upload their CVs and connect their social media platforms (i.e. LinkedIn) instead of having to enter their entire work experience itno a form.

One of the most important parts of the candidate experience is making sure the application process is optimized for mobile. In other words, it's vital that your job ads mobile-friendly and that candidates can apply via their phones with just a few clicks.


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