We're extremely happy to share the news about our new funding of €10 million from the investor, Sprints Capital! 🎉
Seb Waterfield
Drag and drop one or several candidates to add them to jobs or your talent pool. Our latest update gives you several new and useful features when adding candidates.
Suzan Dil
Make sure that everyone that needs to be involved in the process is ready to make an offer to your candidate.
Suzan Dil
See your candidates' journeys through your recruitment processes and get the data to improve the way you work.
Suzan Dil
Collaborate with your team to create jobs offers and send them to candidates to review and accept it. Add templates to work smarter and control who in the hiring team should have access to the job offer.
Suzan Dil
The new Meetings flow contains smart features, a new calendar overview, sequential meetings and more. Booking interviews with candidates has never been this easy.
Suzan Dil
We have a gift for you 🥰 Take a look at your results from this year, share it and celebrate with your team.
Suzan Dil
Create QR codes and posters for your job ads to increase traffic from candidates.
Suzan Dil
This update improves your experience when using Teamtailor. We also have a brand new look — to make it easier for you to focus on what's important.
Suzan Dil
Work more efficiently by structuring your workday with this awesome to-do feature in Teamtailor.
Suzan Dil
Activate this new feature and let candidates ask themselves questions so that you can get to know them even more.
Suzan Dil
Ask any questions to your candidates' references and automate the process in Teamtailor.
Suzan Dil
Get in touch with us or try it out yourself